18 octobre 2021
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The FABAS (Fight Against Bullying At School) project against bullying at school is managed by the Pays de la Loire Region in the framework of the Erasmus+ program.
The FABAS project, led by the Region, was selected following the April 2020 Erasmus + call for projects.
Bullying is a reality that affects all school environments and nowadays is also present on social media, which is called cyberbullying. It includes aggressive comments or behaviors (mockery, bullying, humiliation, insults...) that have serious consequences on the physical and mental health of the person bullied.
To fight against this phenomenon in the school environment, the FABAS project aims to initiate a reflection on the existing tools and methods.
The goals is to improve the detection of bullying, establish the basis for a common protocol between the different professions in a school to prevent cases but also to improve their resolution. FABAS will encourage the involvement of student volunteers in anti-bullying initiatives in partner schools.
In total this Erasmus + project gathers 11 partners from five different countries: France, Spain, Italy, Lithuania and Belgium. These are high schools, middle schools, teacher training centers and also two Rectorates.
For the Pays de la Loire, the institutional actors involved are: the Region (leader), the Académie de Nantes, the Délégation Académique aux Relations Européennes Internationales et à la Coopération (DAREIC - Academic Delegation for European and International Relations and Cooperation).
The schools in the region involved in FABAS are: the Monge la Chauvinière vocational high school (Nantes), the Touchard Washington high school (Le Mans), the Olivier Guichard vocational high school (Guérande), the Chantenay middle school (Nantes), the Léon Tolstoï middle school (Le Mans).
The project began in October 2020 and is expected to end in September 2023. In total, over the span of 3 years, seven mobilities will be organized in each country involved, including three in Pays de la Loire (Nantes, Le Mans and Guérande).
The first mobility of the FABAS project took place between 16 and 19 November 2021.
It gathered 10 of the 11 partners of the project, that is to say 15 partners coming from abroad and 27 persons in total.
It took place on 3 different locations: Collège de Chantenay, Regional Campus and Lycée Monge la Chauvinière.
During this mobility, the partners discussed different topics related to the fight against bullying and the improvement of school climate. Among the activities carried out, games (packets games, werewolf games) were played in order to understand the situations of isolation that students who are victims of school bullying may experience.
Finally, different processes were studied: the Sentinels, the PIKAS method, the shared concern method.
In March 2022, the participants of the FABAS project met for 3 days in Spain, in the province of Valencia. This mobility was the opportunity to visit 2 secondary education institutes and a cultural centre. Numerous presentations were made on measures of school climate and bullying prevention in schools.
Spanish schools use prevention tools and activities with students asking them to put themselves in the shoes of bullied students, to understand feelings of frustration and injustice. The Spanish methodology is based on psychology, empathy and the expression of emotions in general. Quizzes, such as the TEI program, help to establish the school climate, or role-playing games such as “taxi taxi” are deployed to help students understand each other. The participants were able to discover a system that reflects not only on relationships between pupils, but also on the role that schools should play in promoting a well-being policy and combating bullying in schools.
The participants thus discovered positive coaching and learning techniques on preventing and combating bullying in schools.
In May 2022, the FABAS group met in Liège, Belgium, to visit and discover the methods used in 5 different schools.
The main method deployed is the PESH programme. PESH is a support service for teaching professionals, responsible for setting up a team of “bullying referrals”. This model is co-constructed with the school and works with all the people concerned, including the parents’ students.
During the stay, participants were able to practice through case studies, encouraging reflection and work in small groups. A meeting was organised with a psycho-medico-social centre that introduced an alternative method: the Palo Alto method, which argues that the attitude of individuals is a consequence of the environment in which they live and not the other way around.
The last day ended with visits to institutions and case study sessions.
In October 2022, the FABAS delegation went to Guérande and the surrounding communes to meet the students and teachers of two high schools and one college.
This mobility has highlighted the “Lighthouses and Beacons” programme, which provides awareness-raising training, support and accompaniment for teaching professionals. He develops workshops on self-esteem, and on the origins of this self-esteem, in the context of today’s society.
The French government's pHARe programme was also explained. It makes it possible to assess the school climate, prevent bullying, form a protective community of professionals, intervene effectively in bullying situations, mobilise authorities, monitor the impact of these actions and provide a dedicated platform with resources.
Between January and February, participants spent a few days in Italy to discover the pedagogy developed in Reggio Emilia. It is known for the application of a pedagogical method developed by Loris Malaguzzi in the 1960s. It is based on a set of principles: the multiplicity of means of expression (artistic, bodily, linguistic, emotional) and communication.
The Italian partners explained how they operate and how they work with schools and classes and how they collaborate with education staff. The group was able to devote an entire afternoon to putting it into practice. The beneficiaries were divided into 5 groups, allowing each group to test all the activities proposed by the Italian beneficiaries. By testing the activities themselves, the beneficiaries were able to see and estimate what activities they could replicate in their own organisations.
The Italian partners also presented their actions in schools in priority areas. The cooperative’s psychologists work with minority and immigrant audiences. They do workshops with them on self-confidence and integration into the Italian system.
In March 2023, during 3 days, FABAS project participants visited various centres and schools promoting know-how and techniques to deal with bullying.
This mobility was a way to share ways to respond to harassment and to discover the practical tools used in these institutions. The visits revealed the diversity of responses and guidance to the problem of bullying.
One of the visits that was particularly appreciated was the visit to the Centre "Algis Zikevicius - Safe Child at School". In this centre, participants were able to test practical tools such as the forum theatre (role play) and the use of LEGO (explanation of relationships through the making of a duck with 5 pieces, including 1 red piece).
In May 2023, the participants of the FABAS project discovered the work carried out in two establishments in the Loire region: the Lycée Touchard-Washington and the Collège Léon Tolstoy, at the forefront in the fight against harassment and European projects, thanks to its system of student mediators.
The group also attended the conference by Serge Tisseron, psychiatrist, psychoanalyst and Doctor of Psychology, on cyberbullying. This session was interpreted into English for the needs of non-French speakers.
Then, various practical workshops were followed such as Nidra or emotional yoga, as well as a meeting with the youth service of the city of Le Mans. The latter focused on the use of the PIX program, which questions students about their level of knowledge in digital matters and cyberbullying. PIX is a tool that also allows them to train, and therefore to improve their skills following the learning modules.
The participants had many moments to discuss, with the pupils of the establishments on the projects in progress, but also between them, before the closing of the project.
November 5 marks the national day against bullying in schools. The Pays de la Loire Region is mobilizing thanks to Europe by supporting an Erasmus+ project against bullying in schools.