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The CLIPPER project

« Creating a Leadership for Maritime industries – New opportunities in Europe » INTERREG Europe – 2014-2020.

The CLIPPER project is in direct line with the findings of the CPMR working group “Maritime industries for Blue Growth”, led by the Pays de la Loire Region. This working group notably contributed to promote the potential of maritime industries in Europe, and to advocate a positive vision of this field. It strongly contributed to the LeaderSHIP 2020 report, “The sea, new opportunities for the future”, which underlines the potential of shipbuilding and maritime engineering expertise in Europe for jobs and growth.


Based on the report’s recommendations, CLIPPER gathers European partners around common maritime challenges, in order to improve the support to SMEs’ competitiveness in this economic sector, to emphasize the Regions’ potential in that regard, and to build a European maritime industrial strategy.

The project will rely on four thematic working groups composed of the above players (individual performance and innovation, reinforcement of the value chain, internationalization, risk sharing), but also on a regional stakeholders group linked to the project thematic and to its final beneficiaries (SMEs, clusters, etc.). Those activities will lead to the elaboration of an action plan for each partner region in June 2019, adapted to the needs and capacities of their local actors. The aim is indeed to improve the implication of public and institutional actors for the maritime industries’ development, through the mobilization of existing tools and exchanges between European partners, to better the SMEs competitiveness on each territory.

This regional roadmap will then be implemented during the two following years (June 2019 to June 2021). For the total duration of the project, four years and a half, the global budget amounts to 1 347 057€, with a 84% co-financing from the ERDF (1 131 011€). The Pays de la Loire Region’s budget, ERDF included, is 314 833€.